Wednesday 23 April 2014

Casting of cattle & buffaloes

Reason of casting: Cattle and buffaloes are cast for a variety of reasons e.g, surgical operations, trimming of feet, and better control at a difficult calving.

Methods of casting:  Two very common methods of casting are follows

Reuff’s method: The most common and efficient method of casting cattle is Reuff’s method. Reuff’s method of casting cattle minimizes the chances of injury either the animal or people.

 1) A running noose is made at one end of 10 m long rope and passed around the base of the horns.                                                                                                                                                          2) In case of polled animal, the noose can be placed around the neck.                                          
3) A half hitch is made around the neck, then the second around the heart girth.                     
4) Then passed back and looped around the animal just behind the hip bones.                           
5) A steady pull on the free end will cause the animal to collapse slowly.                                    
6) It is advisable to cast the animal on soft grass or a bed of hay or straw.

Crisscross method: This method is used for casting a wild or excited cattle.

 1) In this method the middle of the rope is placed over the neck and the ends passed between the front legs.                                                                                                                     
2) They cross under the brisket and passed upward and crossed over the back.             
3) Then goes downward and passed the flanks and between the hind legs.                     
4) A pull on the free ends will then cause the animal to collapse.                                               
5) The ropes must cross under the brisket not on the throat otherwise the animal will not go down.

Advantage: One great advantage of the latter method is that, because there are no knots involved. The rope can be put on in the crush. The animal is then let out of the crush and the process of casting can begin so, it is easier to remove the rope when you are finished with the animal. But in Reuff's method the rope tends to stay in a better position making some difficulty in removing rope if the cattle is wild or excited.

Precautions: Casting is not recomended for pregnant animals because of possibility of abortion. It can also result in bloat, pneumonia, or displacement of abomasum.

Sunday 2 March 2014

Beautiful Cock comb

Rose comb
These cock are very attractive . Many breeds have these types of comb

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Secret of business

I am advising the youth , not to stay on jobs or not to be dream of job for a whole life.
Here i will explain a business secret and realize you all that the initial money is not a problem .

Initial Amount :
Some young guys have inherited money or  property , so they have the money but many guys don't have , and they think they cant be able to start even a small business. Here i am telling you a secret of money , which is ''TRUST''
    It is not a word , it is a success key , For example , if you have a good character and a good image and you are always advising the right things to your friends and other common people which are in touch with you then you made a good relations in people and people automatically start trusting on you.
     Once you developed a good relation with your friends and other people then you got a huge amount which the youth can't consider. 
   Yes , this is the source of your initial amount . When you tell about any of your business idea to your friends then the people which trust on you invest in your plan. But for this , you have to create a good character in your surroundings.
   Here i am telling you about some small business and very soon i explain how to start and manage these business
1) Rabbit farming
2) Quail farming
3) Under garments like underwear manufacturing
4) Goat farming in small scale
5) Import cheap items of your country
6) Poultry farming ( open houses on rent )
7) Fancy birds selling and purchasing
and many more.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Rabbit Farming

Rabbit farming is very valuable business all over the world features * small investment * small place required * a female can produce 4 to 12 kids * the reproductive cycle is of 28 to 32 days * after 3 months the rabbit can gain weigh of 3 kg * a female take their babies with her only 15 days * after 45 days it again pregnant * rabbits eat vegetables , leaves , grasses * their feeding is very low price * easily sell in market * we can develop an indoor or out door farm * in a room of 20 by 20 , we can take upto 50 rabbits * one rabbit can mate with several females

Tuesday 7 January 2014

The beautiful English chicken

Australorp , developed in australia then teken in England.

Best egg layer and show bird 

Sunday 6 October 2013

We are introducing , simple , small , low budget Goat and Quail farming in bahawalpur